September 11th? Nice date choosing!
Anyway, wasn’t it the 9/9/09? Or did I just make that up?
Oh, and:
I’m thinking lottery and/or banks ?
How Exciting 😀
Bloody helll – that truck got a little bit close didn’t it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hang on – sorry i keep watching it – i thought it was 09-09-09 it said the 11th september on there!
I thought it started the 09/09/09 not 11/09/09 :-S
What happened to it being on 09/09/09? Did Channel 4 have a change of midweek heart?
Anyway. I almost had a heart attact at the end when that truck almost didn’t stop!
Make sure you still tune in 09/09/09! 🙂
Love the sign on the bus ‘It will be you’ 🙂
“When I bang this clipboard on the dashboard and a mentalist steps out in front of you I want you to perform an emergency stop.
Drive on when it’s safe to do so.”
Red and black, hmm? I see…
How cute is that – Derren couldn’t help blink as he heard how close the truck got. I WILL have that man!!!! he he..
I’m really looking forward to this. I have no idea what he will be doing in any of the shows, and I think that is what is making me want to watch them. If we were told Derren would be doing such-a-thing on one programme, then It would spoil the build up.
I’d like to know how much of that ad was done for real, and how much was added in. My guess is most was real, but that truck was a little too close for comfort!
“making secure systems vulnerable” on the 8th anniversary of 9/11. Ouch.
Tune in on 09/09 on here or C4? But why am I asking? I’m here ALL THE TIME anyway! 😉
There has been hints towards something important on 09/09/09
but the ad did say it starts on the 11th
He’s got into your minds already!
The competition to be part of the audience ends on the 9th…
Red & Black
Mmm is that the Barclays Bank logo?…
im feeling very left out- my work computor doesnt have sound (blooming boss) and my home laptop is too slow to watch internet video clips 🙁
can someone please tell me what is going on…………..?
Can’t wait for this!
Never really watched any of Derren’s shows on television when they were on, so I got all the DVDs instead and this new series I’m guessing is going to blow my mind even more.
I’m guessing the advert was shot in two takes (when stood next to the girl with the ballon and the last car goes past before he sets off walking backwards) and probably done on a green screen. 🙂
The truck wasn’t close,that is the start point.. The tape is run backwards..
Here what I’ve got:
1) Red & Black = roulette
2) Balloon has Barclays Bank logo on it (I think)
3) Lottery numbers on the lamppost (and the bus saying ‘it will be you’ – rather than ‘it could be you)
4) Manchester United website reversed on the poster – links to DB C4 website
5) Stuck to my sofa pizza poster – links to Derren Brown C4 website
All i noticed was Manchester United on the board (in their colours red, white and black), could be coinsidence, then again, maybe not. Is Derren going to destroy Man U?…make their ‘secure systems vunerable’?? Haha, i’d tune in to see that! Or could it be AIG or banks. Ah, how mysterious! I’m confused about dates though…i guess i’ll play it safe and tune in the 9th and 11th just to make sure.
That’s a very smart trailer aswell might I add, although no doubt filled with ‘hidden messages’, but it makes the show extremely intruiging; and I am intruiged! Roll on September! 😀
I’m personally thinking that there will be something to do with Roulette in there. But who knows aside form Derren’s inner circle and every clever sausage out there who’s figured out each and every clue in the advert(s).
@Lotte – Dont’ be so sure! i know plenty of men and women who are aching to get their hands on him. Myself included! So you’ll have to beat me in the race. Plus his current man-friend.
Got very excited then realised I’m not in the country that evening. Pants, pants, pants.
Something HAS to happen on the 9th. They wouldnt just change the date. . . . (would they?!)
On C4 of course… and then of course international bods i assume can watch on 4OD streamed the next night?
Mean while i will be at home in london a couple of miles away frustrated and on edge of my seat. I think this more intresting the the roulette by far as you knew the two out comes of that event. This is more about the unexpected, expectations of the viewer and nerves of one man on TV.
uhh…confused. I hope you mean C4 on 09/09 Abeo…. I don’t think I can stay at work until 9pm to check on here 🙁
I am so excited I think I might go pop. Oh *…..* there I go.
worked out event one!
nice and easy!
really really can’t wait now. Should Barclays be worried?
Theres a website called which apparently tells you everything you need to know about the basics of “the events” but im not sure if its for real because the quality of the page is pretty mediocre and nothing like the or graphics.
The thing thats puzzling me is why they have seemingly changed the date from 9/9/09 (which was both a pallindrome which tied in with the backwards/forwards theme, and the events and september both have 9 letters, and upside down became 6/6/6 the devils number :D) to the 11/9/09.
@SuZi – I thought the
— The above site is fake – nothing to do with us 🙂 you can tell by all the amazon/google ads – Phillis
Because the 09/09/09 wasn’t long enough to wait!!
Really looking forward to it all the same 😀
Unless I am very much mistaken that whole advert was just played in reverse. So it started with him actually stood in front of a parked lorry.
The clever bit (if I am right) is that he had to speak backwards the entire time. Which isnt that hard – although its impressive that he memorised 40 seconds worth (although we dont know how many cuts were in that).
Whatever way it was great 🙂
It’s me birthday! – it’s mazing how no-one forgets it these days, I must be getting more popular.
all i know is, ill be staying very close to my phone on 090909!!
i cannot wait for this
is it just me or is derren looking exceptionally hot in this ad!
@abeo: what the lottery channel? or channel 4? any more details coming?
Couple of questions: as it is called the Events, does it mean lots of things happening in one show, or a few things happening in a few shows? Or neither? Will it be the 9th or the 11th? And what is ‘The Game’??? Ive heard strange things about this ‘Game’…
All these clues remind me of ‘Masquerade’ by Kit Williams; with the blog represening the book itself, cunningly woven with hints and secrets. The Events in September I’m sure will feel like digging up the treasure at the end, and hopefully everything will become clear when we tune in! There are many similarities, for example alike Kit Williams, Derren has lost his hare….. 😉 Just kidding, if anybody can carry off the bald look, it’s DB 😀
I evah ydaerla nees ti eht thgir yaw dnuor tub ti si doog taht ti si no ereh. fI uoy evah ton ydaerla enod os kcehc tuo moc.unitedmanchester ti etis egap si ni esrever os tnirp neercs dna etsap ni ot tniap dna pilf ti dnuor. 90/90/90 si tnatropmi tub yhw ti si I ma ton erus.
Oooh I’m getting excited at just wondering why we are tuning into both the 9th AND the 11th! EEEEE!
Wooo the 11th was thinking i was going to miss this as im away on holiday till the 10th and i didn’t want to watch it on sky+ for fear i’d be told what happens before.
september 11th? a unique day with a unique event? thank god a saw this the right way round, it was driving me nuts lol, will be watching as always!
i dont think derren’s in that video at all. just some really really nice CGI & editing, & a lotta hard work. you clever ole debbils.
I’ve said before that I hate watching that truck coming up behind Derren at the end. I flinch just looking at it!
So, it’s Sept 11th now? So I wonder what’s going down on the 9th then? A wee appetiser before the main course, perhaps?? 😉
LC x
I think if someone could play this forward it would make much more sense.
I’m intrigued as to what the man on the bicycle says to him.
I found by viewing the source on both links provided it links back to somewhere called which is just way over my head and none of the content seems to make any sense, although I’m sure it is a legit site for web standards. WHY that is in the page source, also with the suffix of 1999 (the three 9’s again) another clue or am I just reading far too much into things? Probably the latter, that will teach me for having a day off work!
I’m a tad confused …
yltnerappA eht stneve lliw eb evitcaretni os eht reweiv ta emoh nac yalp gnola
Well… Derren Brown is on E4 at 9pm on 09/09/09, but it looks like a re-run of evening of wonders…
See the link below:
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September 11th? Nice date choosing!
Anyway, wasn’t it the 9/9/09? Or did I just make that up?
Oh, and:
I’m thinking lottery and/or banks ?
How Exciting 😀
Bloody helll – that truck got a little bit close didn’t it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hang on – sorry i keep watching it – i thought it was 09-09-09 it said the 11th september on there!
I thought it started the 09/09/09 not 11/09/09 :-S
What happened to it being on 09/09/09? Did Channel 4 have a change of midweek heart?
Anyway. I almost had a heart attact at the end when that truck almost didn’t stop!
Make sure you still tune in 09/09/09! 🙂
Love the sign on the bus ‘It will be you’ 🙂
“When I bang this clipboard on the dashboard and a mentalist steps out in front of you I want you to perform an emergency stop.
Drive on when it’s safe to do so.”
Red and black, hmm? I see…
How cute is that – Derren couldn’t help blink as he heard how close the truck got. I WILL have that man!!!! he he..
I’m really looking forward to this. I have no idea what he will be doing in any of the shows, and I think that is what is making me want to watch them. If we were told Derren would be doing such-a-thing on one programme, then It would spoil the build up.
I’d like to know how much of that ad was done for real, and how much was added in. My guess is most was real, but that truck was a little too close for comfort!
“making secure systems vulnerable” on the 8th anniversary of 9/11. Ouch.
Tune in on 09/09 on here or C4? But why am I asking? I’m here ALL THE TIME anyway! 😉
There has been hints towards something important on 09/09/09
but the ad did say it starts on the 11th
He’s got into your minds already!
The competition to be part of the audience ends on the 9th…
Red & Black
Mmm is that the Barclays Bank logo?…
im feeling very left out- my work computor doesnt have sound (blooming boss) and my home laptop is too slow to watch internet video clips 🙁
can someone please tell me what is going on…………..?
Can’t wait for this!
Never really watched any of Derren’s shows on television when they were on, so I got all the DVDs instead and this new series I’m guessing is going to blow my mind even more.
I’m guessing the advert was shot in two takes (when stood next to the girl with the ballon and the last car goes past before he sets off walking backwards) and probably done on a green screen. 🙂
The truck wasn’t close,that is the start point.. The tape is run backwards..
Here what I’ve got:
1) Red & Black = roulette
2) Balloon has Barclays Bank logo on it (I think)
3) Lottery numbers on the lamppost (and the bus saying ‘it will be you’ – rather than ‘it could be you)
4) Manchester United website reversed on the poster – links to DB C4 website
5) Stuck to my sofa pizza poster – links to Derren Brown C4 website
So, I’m confused! – brilliant
All i noticed was Manchester United on the board (in their colours red, white and black), could be coinsidence, then again, maybe not. Is Derren going to destroy Man U?…make their ‘secure systems vunerable’?? Haha, i’d tune in to see that! Or could it be AIG or banks. Ah, how mysterious! I’m confused about dates though…i guess i’ll play it safe and tune in the 9th and 11th just to make sure.
That’s a very smart trailer aswell might I add, although no doubt filled with ‘hidden messages’, but it makes the show extremely intruiging; and I am intruiged! Roll on September! 😀
I’m personally thinking that there will be something to do with Roulette in there. But who knows aside form Derren’s inner circle and every clever sausage out there who’s figured out each and every clue in the advert(s).
@Lotte – Dont’ be so sure! i know plenty of men and women who are aching to get their hands on him. Myself included! So you’ll have to beat me in the race. Plus his current man-friend.
Got very excited then realised I’m not in the country that evening. Pants, pants, pants.
Something HAS to happen on the 9th. They wouldnt just change the date. . . . (would they?!)
On C4 of course… and then of course international bods i assume can watch on 4OD streamed the next night?
Mean while i will be at home in london a couple of miles away frustrated and on edge of my seat. I think this more intresting the the roulette by far as you knew the two out comes of that event. This is more about the unexpected, expectations of the viewer and nerves of one man on TV.
uhh…confused. I hope you mean C4 on 09/09 Abeo…. I don’t think I can stay at work until 9pm to check on here 🙁
I am so excited I think I might go pop. Oh *…..* there I go.
worked out event one!
nice and easy!
really really can’t wait now. Should Barclays be worried?
Theres a website called which apparently tells you everything you need to know about the basics of “the events” but im not sure if its for real because the quality of the page is pretty mediocre and nothing like the or graphics.
The thing thats puzzling me is why they have seemingly changed the date from 9/9/09 (which was both a pallindrome which tied in with the backwards/forwards theme, and the events and september both have 9 letters, and upside down became 6/6/6 the devils number :D) to the 11/9/09.
@SuZi – I thought the
— The above site is fake – nothing to do with us 🙂 you can tell by all the amazon/google ads – Phillis
…same. it is a bit weird.
Hey, if Derren does anything even REMOTELY as good as this, I’ll retire from (watching) television:
Because the 09/09/09 wasn’t long enough to wait!!
Really looking forward to it all the same 😀
Unless I am very much mistaken that whole advert was just played in reverse. So it started with him actually stood in front of a parked lorry.
The clever bit (if I am right) is that he had to speak backwards the entire time. Which isnt that hard – although its impressive that he memorised 40 seconds worth (although we dont know how many cuts were in that).
Whatever way it was great 🙂
It’s me birthday! – it’s mazing how no-one forgets it these days, I must be getting more popular.
all i know is, ill be staying very close to my phone on 090909!!
i cannot wait for this
is it just me or is derren looking exceptionally hot in this ad!
@abeo: what the lottery channel? or channel 4? any more details coming?
Couple of questions: as it is called the Events, does it mean lots of things happening in one show, or a few things happening in a few shows? Or neither? Will it be the 9th or the 11th? And what is ‘The Game’??? Ive heard strange things about this ‘Game’…
All these clues remind me of ‘Masquerade’ by Kit Williams; with the blog represening the book itself, cunningly woven with hints and secrets. The Events in September I’m sure will feel like digging up the treasure at the end, and hopefully everything will become clear when we tune in! There are many similarities, for example alike Kit Williams, Derren has lost his hare….. 😉 Just kidding, if anybody can carry off the bald look, it’s DB 😀
I evah ydaerla nees ti eht thgir yaw dnuor tub ti si doog taht ti si no ereh. fI uoy evah ton ydaerla enod os kcehc tuo moc.unitedmanchester ti etis egap si ni esrever os tnirp neercs dna etsap ni ot tniap dna pilf ti dnuor. 90/90/90 si tnatropmi tub yhw ti si I ma ton erus.
Oooh I’m getting excited at just wondering why we are tuning into both the 9th AND the 11th! EEEEE!
Wooo the 11th was thinking i was going to miss this as im away on holiday till the 10th and i didn’t want to watch it on sky+ for fear i’d be told what happens before.
september 11th? a unique day with a unique event? thank god a saw this the right way round, it was driving me nuts lol, will be watching as always!
i dont think derren’s in that video at all. just some really really nice CGI & editing, & a lotta hard work. you clever ole debbils.
I’ve said before that I hate watching that truck coming up behind Derren at the end. I flinch just looking at it!
So, it’s Sept 11th now? So I wonder what’s going down on the 9th then? A wee appetiser before the main course, perhaps?? 😉
LC x
I think if someone could play this forward it would make much more sense.
I’m intrigued as to what the man on the bicycle says to him.
I found by viewing the source on both links provided it links back to somewhere called which is just way over my head and none of the content seems to make any sense, although I’m sure it is a legit site for web standards. WHY that is in the page source, also with the suffix of 1999 (the three 9’s again) another clue or am I just reading far too much into things? Probably the latter, that will teach me for having a day off work!
I’m a tad confused …
yltnerappA eht stneve lliw eb evitcaretni os eht reweiv ta emoh nac yalp gnola
Well… Derren Brown is on E4 at 9pm on 09/09/09, but it looks like a re-run of evening of wonders…
See the link below: