In case you missed it – you can download the audio of Derren’s 9th of June appearance on the Scott Mills Show on BBC Radio 1 here
Really liked the interview on scott’s show yesterday! thought the discussion was rather interesting!
Aww lovely, he sounds as delightful as ever.
Sue xx
Scott Mills + Derren Brown…
This practically completes my life.
Awesome! Can’t wait til Monday 15th!!
Sarah x x
Lovely Lovely Derren Brown
thank you. x
To prove you’re a person (not a spam script), type the security text shown in the picture. Click here to regenerate some new text.
I’m posting something to validate my humanity.
Thank you for posting the link. Sounds like they were having fun
Ahh. tataa that was a nice listen
I loved the little quip about stuffing and mounting dead animals, which no one seemed to notice… apart from Becky perhaps…
Excellent thanks for putting that up
Man, I’m jealous now… I want a freak lamb too! See, that’s why fame is cool. You get free mutant sheep! Though as far as mutants go, a cyclops kitten is really at the top of my wishlist. Wish I knew where to find things like that…
Listened to this little chat whilst cleaning the kitchen floor, as you do. Have to say if I was Scott Mills I wouldn’t have let Derren out of the studio until I’d had at least half-an-hour’s worth of questions answered
Yes, you’re now showing us the part where no porn is included ofcourse .. a disguise .. Oh, the stuffing and mounting ? It did not turn me on, so no porn. It is derren going into other automated brain lines .. ehehe .. a bit a weird shift from a listener’s point of listen .. but .. erm .. yes, I’ll leave it to this.
Anyhow, anyway … quite nice to put it here. Is it just me or does Derren sound more like a guy around his 20’s (tone of voice), is it a bit hoarse … Not that it is really important, ofcourse. Just going into the voice .. wont let you in on the details though, ofcourse ..
Please more of these so that we can search for hidden porn .. to see whether it is suitable for young international listeners as well … like me e.g. .. ehehe … I’m only 6+, in dog years.
I’m sorry, but I thought that was the worsted interview I had ever heard. Not because of Derren Brown, but because of the Presenters on the show. I think Scott Mills should of stayed with the Hoff in America, because his interviewing technique to compare mind reading – just felt unfunny and childish!
Derren bore it well! Lets just hope Steve Wright might do better. But my hopes are not high!
lol@ worsted. love you sara. you just made my bestest day evar!
yeah, for this particular radio show i think scott mills and the hoff were more on each others wave length.
ive actually been drinking with the hoff before, believe it or not, he shore can drink!
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Really liked the interview on scott’s show yesterday! thought the discussion was rather interesting!
Aww lovely, he sounds as delightful as ever.
Sue xx
Scott Mills + Derren Brown…
This practically completes my life.
Awesome! Can’t wait til Monday 15th!!
Sarah x x
Lovely Lovely Derren Brown
thank you.
To prove you’re a person (not a spam script), type the security text shown in the picture. Click here to regenerate some new text.
I’m posting something to validate my humanity.
Thank you for posting the link. Sounds like they were having fun
Ahh. tataa that was a nice listen
I loved the little quip about stuffing and mounting dead animals, which no one seemed to notice… apart from Becky perhaps…
Excellent thanks for putting that up
Man, I’m jealous now… I want a freak lamb too! See, that’s why fame is cool. You get free mutant sheep! Though as far as mutants go, a cyclops kitten is really at the top of my wishlist. Wish I knew where to find things like that…
Listened to this little chat whilst cleaning the kitchen floor, as you do. Have to say if I was Scott Mills I wouldn’t have let Derren out of the studio until I’d had at least half-an-hour’s worth of questions answered
Yes, you’re now showing us the part where no porn is included ofcourse .. a disguise .. Oh, the stuffing and mounting ? It did not turn me on, so no porn. It is derren going into other automated brain lines .. ehehe .. a bit a weird shift from a listener’s point of listen .. but .. erm .. yes, I’ll leave it to this.
Anyhow, anyway … quite nice to put it here. Is it just me or does Derren sound more like a guy around his 20’s (tone of voice), is it a bit hoarse … Not that it is really important, ofcourse. Just going into the voice .. wont let you in on the details though, ofcourse ..
Please more of these so that we can search for hidden porn .. to see whether it is suitable for young international listeners as well … like me e.g. .. ehehe … I’m only 6+, in dog years.
I’m sorry, but I thought that was the worsted interview I had ever heard. Not because of Derren Brown, but because of the Presenters on the show. I think Scott Mills should of stayed with the Hoff in America, because his interviewing technique to compare mind reading – just felt unfunny and childish!
Derren bore it well! Lets just hope Steve Wright might do better. But my hopes are not high!
lol@ worsted. love you sara. you just made my bestest day evar!
yeah, for this particular radio show i think scott mills and the hoff were more on each others wave length.
ive actually been drinking with the hoff before, believe it or not, he shore can drink!