First two nights, Hastings
The first night was terrific: the show went well and the audience were delightful: warm and very enthusiastic. All 1066 of them (the capacity of the Hastings theatre… See what they did?) sprung to their feet and were brilliant throughout, despite me confusing my own crew by getting a couple of bits round the wrong way. Tonight’s show was much fun, marred only by a couple of props that decided to do their own thing or fall apart.
Spent yesterday afternoon in the delightful Cafe des Artes, a gorgeous art gallery and cafe in Hastings which turned out to be run as part of a major Autistic trust. Some of the staff are autistic, and clearly the job is designed to be of great assistance to them, as part of a planned programme designed by the trust. I got talking to one of the women who runs it: a lovely lady called Lisa who used to be a magician’s assistant at the circus in a female magic act. There are very few magiciennes nowadays, and even fewer during her circus years. So she’s a magician’s-assistant-turned-careworker. An excellent lady.
I did a tiny on-film thing for their latest awareness project, which I’m sure will be on YouTube at some point. And clearly the programme works well: I spoke after the show to a delightful chap called Anthony who had a job at the cafe as part of living and working with with his own autism. Quite fascinating, and lovely to come across the project.
Today was spent visiting some great friends who live in an ex-church in Folkestone. After months of working exceptionally hard, it was amazing to sit in the sun, with wonderful people, play with their toddler Scarlett and eat a splendid lunch. Brilliantly, she made chocolate crucifixes for pudding. Get that.
A really lovely start to the tour. The wonderful weather helps as we weave around the coastline. Thank you Hastings, you’ve kicked us off royally and forgiven a few minor glitches.
Bournemouth next.
Had an absolutely brilliant night tonight, standing ovation well earned.
Really love the ending, so well done, I hope no one goes and starts spoiling it for others.
Was nice to meet you quickly after.
Hope you have a good night.
I’m surprised the chocolate crucifixes didn’t choke you lol
Thanks again Derren! It’s fascinating follow your tour here and it is lovely how you care about your fans
Keep up the good work and good luck for the rest of the tour!
I’ll see you in June at Adelphi – waiting eagerly for that
I am autistic myself (Asperger’s/MCDD), and though I think I’ll be able to make my own way in the world — I just handed in my Master’s thesis, will graduate in a few months, now I just need to find a job — I absolutely love that there’s places like that to help those that aren’t as fortunate.
Lisa sounds amazing. I’m a female (amateur) magician too, so that makes her even cooler in my eyes. I remember the lady at the International Magic shop telling me, last summer when I was just getting into the slightly more complex stuff, that females have been seen as ‘just’ parts of male acts for too long. There’s nothing inherently wrong with being the assistant (it’s a vital part of the act), but females can and should act as the Magician, the ‘main’ role, as well.
But we are a duo — equals. I’m not just the eye candy, which is the main thing annoying me about how females are often treated in magic.
Says the girl who now does magic as a duo with a guy friend, by the way.
I’m really glad everything is going so well with the show.
“Derren Brown ate my crucifixâ€â€¦..Isn’t that some kind of hanging offence… a long spell in purgatory at best I guess. lol
Lovely. We have a similar cafe/arts centre set up in Ipswich and its staff have learning disabilities. Interestingly it is housed in a beautiful ex-church – which seems to me the best use of such a building.
Sunshine makes everything that much better
tee hee, 1066. Aaah that’s amazing – my 2.5 yrold daughters autistic. Have an azmzing time in Bournemouth my big sis lives there.Can’t wait for oxford, there’s an art galery here too, down pembrooke street
at the show last night it was amazing never seen any thing like that .The white rock was full never seen that before ,very very well done Lynda
Glad the tours going well thanks for the updates.Did anyone else see Crooked house last nite and see Derrens stunning performance and nose job lol
Hi Derren,
Nothing can prepare you for seeing the show live. It was an amazing experience and I now I’m showing the picture I have of you and me to everyone I can.
Wonderful to meet you, you’re a very clever, kind man.
Yay! See you tonight Mr Brown
Sounds fantastic, and glad that you are getting out in the sun and having a break when not on stage.
Loveley loveley….sounds really good, i´m almost jealous! Coastline, artgalary, choc-crucifixes eh, sun, o o o….
(yeye, karma killer@work)
Sounds like a wonderful afternoon. *sighs* Oh how I miss my favourite london park, where I would escape to and instantly forget the pressures of the day.
Hey… either I’m wrongly remembering what I wrote (could be, it was early and I was sleepy), or some words have been edited out of my comment. Intriguing. I don’t think I was revealing Important Secrets (if I even know any
), I was just talking about something that I’d consider a well-known part of certain magic acts. Now I’m wondering if I accidentally managed to guess something that’s actually in the new show… that makes me even more curious! *grins*
Hi Derren
Took part in the spectacular grand finale on the 23rd, brilliant! My daughter Charlotte was also on stage for a segment.
11 of us in the group, all had a quite memorable evening, we’ve all be analysing it to death since.
Yes, shame about the props.
But what the hey – brilliant show, please, please, please come back to Hastings.
PS, I’m only 49 sonny, no need to shout.
I can honestly say that for the first time ever, crucifixes are suddenly the height of cool. And now I’m hungry…
HI Guys
ANY comments about the shows content will be removed by default to avoid any spoilers.
Oh so wonderful to hear things went so well with the show & that you had a wonderful time in Hastings.
Yes it’s true there are very few female’s in magic I was a magicienne myself many years ago for a short while but I ended up giving up for many reasons I won’t go in to!
Oh my dad has aspergers a form of autism so I know what it’s like from experience, that place sounds brilliant.
good luck with tonights show & the rest of the tour too
see you soon
Can you imagine being a neighbour in Folkestone, and poppin’ your head over garden fence? You’d think you’d stepped into Alice in Wonderland…………………………beardy mentalist eating chocolate crucifixes served to him by toddler at tea party……………..funny
Those damn props, consiracisng (nearly sure that isnt a word…) together all over the world! Grr!
Two weeks! Wooo!
Hi Derren,
Saw your show at Hastings last night.Being an amateur magician myself i thought that it was absolutely fantastic.Even with the props failing you it did not detract anything from the show and you handled it brilliantly.I thought the ending was just amazing!!Hats off to you ,Andy Nyman and the team for another fantastic show!!!Can’t wait till its released on DVD.
wot a great show on weds night in Hastings, already booked to see again in July
The Autism video is on youtube now just for the ones who want to see it:
Although you may have to grab your monitor/laptop and flip it around.
Lovely sweet-tiny clip, and very good to stand up for autism…
(now i need a neckmassage though)
Short n sweet… just like Derren.
Hi Derren,
Just wanted to say what a fantastic show! Me and my friend Sarah saw you last time in ‘An Evening of Wonders’ and we are so blown away by it, we honestly didn’t think it could be beaten. How wrong we were!
We were at last night’s show in Bournemouth and we absolutely loved it! You are an absolute genius and I guarantee that we will make sure we never miss another show of yours in the future, we’ll be first in the queue for tickets!
I hope the rest of the tour goes well for you, I’m sure it will :o)
Well done to you and all the team, the show is a triumph :o)
Hi there. I’m leaving Swindon to drive to Bournemouth soon to see tonight’s show and if the previous comments are any thing to go by I’m going to be amazed. I’m even more excited than i was earlier!!! Can’t wait… are we nearly there yet???
Saw the show in Bournemouth. It was absolutely amazing. I feel like my brain has been the star in a psychic gang bang.
Weird shaped venue but great seats a few rows from the front.
My son has Autism so places like the Cafe des Artes give me hope for his future. Well done, you, for standing up for Autism.
I’m disappointed that I didn’t get a personal mention.
Great Show though guys, good luck with the rest of the tour.
Your show on the 23rd was amazing! I was in front row & got to XXXXXXXXXX. Please come back to Hastings or come to Canterbury!
I just wanted to say thanks for a great night at the White Rock. I was there on the Wednesday night and was up on stage for the amazing finale. Everyone seemed to have a great time and I know I won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.
Good luck and here’s hoping for continued success (well until you’re burnt as a witch)
Sorry to be a bit of a stalker and cathing you before the show, but was nice to meet you anywhoo.
All the best (and get some new props)