Happy Christmas
Rather tired and dreamy and overstuffed after a long and lovely day of great food, company and wine. And the JJ Abrams Star Trek on the home cinema. I hope you’ve all had a lovely one. For those not following me on Twitter – I have been away filming a documentary and then on holiday, so apologies for my recent poor turnout on the blog.
I do hope you’ve enjoyed your Christmas days, or indeed are still enjoying them for our far distant friends. Tra-la and ho ho ho.
happy christmas db, and lots of loveliness in 2010. xx
Hope you had a good one!
And a very Merry Christmas to yourself Mr. Brown
Truth be told, my xmas was pretty poor, and am glad it’s over, but happy to hear that you had a great day
Surely everyone knows by now there ain’t no sanity clause.. (sorry, just watched ‘Night at the Opera’ again)
Thanks for the unmissable tv shows and the superb blog / tweets. Merry Cheesemas to all the gang, enjoy the rest of the hols.
J x
Ho ho ho…am rather knackered and lalatrala too, realising that christmas is also a great day to reallly be concious about how much you love some family members, while in the same time, from others you´re close to: ´wanting to break their legs´…ho ho ho, héh
But Merry wishy Deárry

Just finished watching Star Trek with the parents myself. Dad enjoyed it greatly, mom fell asleep.
Hope you and your crew had a wonderful Christmas and that the new year brings you all fortunes galore.
Feeling a bit stuffed myself, so I’m off to bed now.
Night, Derren. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas ^-^
It’s a great movie. I’m also glad Zachary Quinto didn’t behave too much like Sylar instead of Spock >.<
Happy holidays and ho ho ho back at ya!
Thank you Derren! My Christmas was completed full circle, with games, fun, and festivities with family and friends. I also want to thank you for this excellent blog which you and your crew all work so hard to maintain. It has taught me so much and opened my eyes to whats around me. I have had the most peaceful Christmas ever, surround by snow and mist, what a beautiful sight it was. Tra la la and ho ho ho right back at ya
I am sure the new year has much more instore. Much Love and contemplation JoJoe XX
Great day, chilling. Just finished a major session on the drums for guitar hero murdering all manner of songs. Too much drink and too many bad foods but I care not a jot. Slumber beckons. Happy chrimbo to all.
back atcha, gorjus.
Still Xmas — we get one more day than the rest of the world. We rock, and all that.
Merry Xmas to all at the blog!
I am pleased you had a great Xmas time. I spent mine on the beach in Phuket
Can you tell us anymore about the documentary?
Enjoy your new year!
merry christmas and wish you all the lucky the world for 2010! came to see you in blackpool this year – awesome show! all the best, lee
And a very Merry Christmas to you too, Derren! I too had a wonderful day full of over-eating and over-drinking (what else?) The gifts I received were lovely too. Just a beautiful day all round.
Can I also say (although I did post this on Twitter) a big THANK YOU for some of the replies etc, you’ve sent to me there. I don’t think you realise just what an @reply can make someone feel when they receive one. Just a ‘thank you’ or the DM you sent me, made me so immensely happy that I thought I’d die from it. You’re so kind, generous, thoughtful and incredibly giving, no wonder your followers on Twitter are growing & growing. I thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for that, & for making 2009 bearable at times.
Oh, and I am still so glad you liked the xmas vid!
You’re all wonderful, the entire DB crew.
Love you all,
LC x
And a very Merry Christmas to you too, Derren! I too had a wonderful day full of over-eating and over-drinking (what else?) The gifts I received were lovely too. Just a beautiful day all round.
Can I also say (although I did post this on Twitter) a big THANK YOU for some of the replies etc, you’ve sent to me there. I don’t think you realise just what an @reply can make someone feel when they receive one. Just a ‘thank you’ or the DM you sent me, made me so immensely happy that I thought I’d die from it. You’re so kind, generous, thoughtful and incredibly giving, no wonder your followers on Twitter are growing & growing. I thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for that, & for making 2009 bearable at times.
Oh, and I am so glad you liked my xmas vid!
Love you all, the entire DB crew
Take care
LC x
I hope you and yours and all those who work so hard on your lovely blog had a wonderful day too xx
Happy holidays, love and peace to everyone
For some reason I am craving coleslaw, wonder why?
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful wishes, Derren. Hope your holidays continue to be as lovely as they have already been for you. :)x
Thankyou Mr.B, hope your Yule was super cool!x
You have a home cinema? ): donate it, it’s christmas, spoil yourself
Could you give all your fans a sneeky peek into what this documentory you’ve been filming holds?
Thankyou and hope you have had a great christmas.
Happy holidays Derren.Ho ho ho!!!
You are the best!!!
HAPPY HO-HO-HO Christmas to you lovely! XXXXXXXXXX All the best for 2010!!
Glad you had a lovely day Derren. Really looking forward to the tour… I’m excited already!! All the best for the New Year SueX
I’m happy you had a great day! My day was fantastic, more than I could have asked for largely thanks to you Derren, so Thank You for making christmas 2009 unforgettable to me!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and you have a Happy New Year. Hoping the temptation to do a few party tricks wasn’t too painful.
I got your ‘Tricks of the Mind’ book this year and I can’t wait too read it !
Have a good 2010,
Thanks, we had a great time too. Star Trek is an awesome movie. Have fun, Happy new year to you and the crew. Looking forward to seeing you in Leicester in 2010!!!!
or should i say MERRIE NO EL! and then let phillis splain it. hehe!
Hope you had a splendid Christmas too :). Looking forward to the new year!
Oh, you get dreamy after that? You don’t sound dreamy right now, far from that. Or your dreamy isn’t my dreamy. Possible. Anyhow, glad you enjoyed your days.
Now, let’s get rid of that stuffed feeling and dreamy stuff … let’s get alive. People should not spoil their body cells too much. After all … it is there to carry us around … and without mind control … it wont get up and do something at all anymore. Luckily most do get fed up with those days .. would not want those days to be each single day in life … however pleasant those days might have felt … contrasts …
I hate 3 sundays in a row .. disgusting … it sucks all life out of me … this hanging around in this complete nothing … man … I almost faint … therefor .. mind control … not DVB’s type … but mine.
star trek . now that is what I call a typical X-mas movie … It gives so muh the correct atmosphere … brings people into the right X-mas spirit …
I saw .. Eine frau in Berlin and Affinity and Merry War. All not that great. Now there’s left Cold Mountain (it does have Jude Law in it, @ Kidman but other than that .. not sure … maybe tomorrow then .. ).
The bed sort of speaks to me right now but I’ll stay up a little longer… after all .. it is X-mas … TV sucks, but there a whole lot of X-mas movies (all not my type, there is a limit to what I can take X-mas-wise). .
What is X-mas .or Christmas .. We stuff turkeys and stuff ourselves with turkeys … hm … who’s gonna eat us?
Let’s dream about next year’s X-mas .. maybe it will be even better than this year’s.
Oh well … let’s sing another carol then …
Happy xmas 2 u 2

just watching the impression show on itv.. must say he didnt do i good job lol! you have a much sexier voice
First time I’ve blogged (if that’s the right word). Just started to watch DB; the last series on C4 was fascinating on a few different levels I thought…. Felt like I really got the the main messages behind the show stuff.
Anyway, Merry XMas; here’s to a Wonderful 2010!!!!
Star Trek?! Good call :):) Amaaarzing film. Glad you enjoyed your Xmas! x
Merry Christmas Derren!

My good times of Christmas have been enhanced and lengthened by the gift of a certain book, I wonder if any one here has heard of it: Derren Brown – Tricks of the Mind.
Seriously, though, fantastic writing skills there.
Christmas this year was much better than the past couple of years. Parents let me have my own little Yule tree in my room, which was really sweet of them.
Got gifts of a new phone (which I used to post a message on here!,) DVD of ‘Dracula’ (1931, with Bela Lugosi…creepiest one of them all!,) and a smashing new book by one of my favourite authors….No, sorry, it’s not ‘Tricks of the Mind’, it’s ‘Sovereign’ by C.J. Sansom.
Then ate way too much chocolate, and woke up feeling sick.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New to everyone on and behind the blog (particularly D.B., who I will be seeing next year!)
Having hounded the lovely Phillis my two Enigma posters arrived safely in sunny Bristol and one will be off to Oxford with Toby on his return there tomorrow and the other in my luggage to Bangkok as a late Xmas gift for Will. Thanks for making my Xmas present decisions so easy! All the best for 2010 and continued success.
Lots of merriment right back at you…we too enjoyed the trek, along with the day the earth stood still, all those angels and demons and a terminator or two in our cinema room…..fantastic way to enjoy the festivities. Looking forward to 2010, especially March 2010 at the Bristol Hippodrome….! whoop! x
Hope you had a great Christmas, and loveing the handome santa at the top of the page
Happy New Year, looking forward to seeing you in 163 days at the Lowry

Maybe bring out some new emotes please?
Hope you had a great christmas, and the lucky lady enjoyed her lovely presents which has been well wrapped by me. Wish i’ll see you around again soon. Soooooooo excited.
Happy 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!