Derren Brown: The Events ‘How To Win The Lottery’ – broadcast
This was truly genius. I was amazed, (particularly when the first and unfortunately only one of my numbers came up), dumbfounded and gobsmacked. Well done Derren!! x
You broke your Blog.
And Twitter (on which by the way, you were 2 of the 10 trending topics in the WORLD).
But seriously, congratulations!
I don’t think we doubted you for a second.
I just wish it was Friday now though…
WELL DONE LOVELY! I simply cannot congratulate you enough… by the way: offer still stands! X LOVE YOU! X
Great job Derren, can’t wait to see how you did it. I’m guessing you’re celebrating tonight after a year of hard work to build up to this so be sure to have a good one.
That was one of the most nerve racking things I’ve ever seen! My heart was in my mouth, which is good because it stopped the sick coming out…
Congratulations Derren!
Fantastic. No idea how you did that, can’t wait for tomorrows show.
On the plus side I ran 5 lines of numbers last night… One line was from one of the “predictions” from the comments on this site or another site (can’t remember now) and I won £10.
I’m a bit disappointed that the balls were shown after the draw but I guess it was the only way to do it.
Knew he’d do it
Hi all.
I’m a bit of a lurker in Derrens blog, but just so you know, Derren has made the main stream news here in Australia. This could mean world domination for Derren!
Check out
that was absolutely brilliant last night…i’ve written a massive comment on ‘the events’ website trying to work out a way that you might have done it other than travelling through time or just making us think there was something written on the balls
i see ‘the events’ website has been changed and is all up to date with video interviews and the such…you are still going to be using this blog though right?
Msg from Abeo – Yep the blog isn’t going anywhere, we are just trying to optimize it at the moment to be able to deal with the crazy amount of traffic we have had over the last couple of days, Over 6 millions hits in 9 days isn’t something we are use to!
Congratulations! One of the greatest and ‘biggest’ pieces of magical entertainment ever and it’s not even over yet. Can’t wait for Friday’s ‘explanation’
Well done Derren! that was fabulous! succeeded in baffling me once again! as you always do! your amazing can’t wait to see how you did this on Friday
P.s – can’t wait to see you live on the Cruise ship in a couple of weeks!
Well done Derren! Truly brilliant- you did something no one else has ever been able to do before. Or else they would have done it. Roll on Friday now. Thanks for great entertainment (though I wish you’d told me the numbers!).
All the best
Well, that rates about a 9.9 on my holy-crap-o-meter.
Congratulations Derren (and team) – I hope you’re all horribly hungover today! That was possibly the best 10 minutes of telly that has been broadcast in years! Superbly executed, and genuinely baffling – I love taking tricks apart (semi-magical background), but I barely have a theory at the moment, and have watched the clip a dozen times!!
Looking forward to seeing the feed from the other cameraman!!
I’m so glad I didn’t buy a ticket with the numbers 6, 10, 25, 32 and 47!
I see the mad Dane got one right though
Phillis, Abeo, Coops,
You’re all so wonderfully awesome! Thanks for putting up the lottery for us non-UK residents. I know I sincerely appreciate it!
Me and my boyfriend were on the edge of our seat the whole way through, so nervous for you but you amazed us!
We bought a ticket for the first time in support, I tried to use a scientific approach but picking the balls that come out the most – but when i got to the shop i forgot what they were! But I still got 2 numbers and was only 1 number away on 2 others, so close!
OF course you did it You clever b*stard.
Friday will be genius!
I was screaming at the tele
Genius piece of television. Genius.
that must have been one hell of a “piss-up afterparty”!!! hope u wore ur party dress philis…. congrats to all again… and sorry we broke ur blog…
Well, I can pull my head out of my neck now and relax a bit. Phew! Don’t think you need to worry about the career now! I trust you all had a large drink afterwards. And I hope you have changed your pants – I don’t suppose they were in a good way last night.
Big congrats, that was a grat peice of telly and had me on the edge of my seat,
Totally worth the wait (and the blog breakdown!!)
Yay! The blogs back on……
Congratuwelldone Derren… absolutely fabulous, of course we didn’t doubt you for a second (well maybe we did).
Can’t wait for tomorrows show to find out all the work that has gone into this in the last year.
Good move tickets being on sale today (but come on what about the other venues?).
Once again, well done, you was always my number 1, but after last night, you’ll be everyones number 1.
Smug. Smug. Brilliantly smug. I’m saving up my pocket money to buy a Lotto ticket once I’ve watched The Events on Friday, and then I’m going to hack my beard down to a more Derren-styled goattee and ponder about my next step in world domination.
Aww … Brown … don’t look that truely enlightened!!!! You’re bad …. You trick me into feeling like I need to believe you that you pulled this of in reality … that there is no trick …(that’s how you pose … that’s how I respond to your .. erm .. you probably .
Now then .. I think … we did not see the thing with your prediction on camera did we, when they drew the numbers … it’s probably not this, that’s probably too easy .. but that was my first thought … after having come clean with my slightly enligtened me when it turned out to be, ofcourse, as I figured, no doubt in me, correctly predicted (yes, I am a turn off for those working in/with something that truely does involve a risk .. I’m sorry if that has been the case, don’t know the facts, so being impressed is not on
· The Jackpot – 6 Numbers (Typical prize: £2 million)
6 numbers are drawn at random from the set of integers between 1 and 49, which means there are 49!/(6!*(49-6)!) combinations of numbers (the draw order doesn’t matter). The means that the jackpot chance is 1 in 13,983,816 or approximately 1 in 14 million.
· 5 Numbers + Bonus Number (Typical prize: £100,000)
You are still matching 6 numbers from the 1 to 49 set as above, but you can now do it in 6 different ways (by dropping each of the main numbers in turn), therefore the chance is 1 in 13,983,816/6, which works out as 1 in 2,330,636.
· 5 Numbers (Typical prize: £1,500)
This is 42 times more likely than getting 5 numbers + the bonus number because, after the first six balls are drawn, there are 43 balls left and you can match 42 of these 43 balls without matching the bonus number. Therefore the chance is 1 in 2,330,636/42, which evaluates to 1 in 55,491.33333.
Let’s assume that Derren Brown records a minute of footage (even though it is actually 43/44 seconds)
Predicting 6 numbers:
13,983,816 minutes of recorded TV. 13,983,816/60/24/365 = 26.60543379 years.
Predicting 5 numbers:
55,491 minutes of recorded TV. 55,491/60/24/365 = 0.105576484 years
0.105576484*52 (approx weeks in a year) = 5.489977169 weeks of solid recording/total recording over the year.
It just so happens that one of the recordings that he made with 5 of the 6 numbers from last night also contained the 6th number – something he could not guarantee but must have been quite happy about, especially as it throws you from the fact that he is only predicting 5 therefore making the maths seems impossible. It is something like 2.5hrs of filming a day for a year. Time consuming but well worth it.
On the above link you can watch the show. At 5.14 the video changes from a live feed to a pre-recorded 44 seconds of footage. The switch is extremely well practiced and shows the level of detail that has gone into the pre-recorded footage and indeed the live show.
This is just theory and no doubt he will prove me wrong on Friday.
If we work
If we work that it is 44 seconds. 55,491*(44/60) = 40,693.4
40,693.4/60/24/365 = 0.0774227549 years + 52 = 4.025983257 weeks or approximately 1.858 hours of recording a day over the course of a year.
You’re so selfish Derren. Why didn’t you stop the 9.11 attacks?
I have an idea of how it is done. I even think that it _is_ the way how it is done. I’m not going to reveal it, because i don’t think Derren would be happy with that. I only give one thing away: it’s done with trickery by technology. If you go watch the “Evening of Wonders” with the guy and the 10 pound banknote and check the written banknote closely, you’ll know how that is done
For the banknote, i know i’m 100% correct. I even found others that found out that trick.
If Derren allows me to put my thought here, i’ll do it.
I admire Derren how he made his career The remark “I’m always honest about my dishonesty” and some other important parts of his show made me thinking across a certain border. Behind the scenes, the world is a lot different than people think. Congrats Derren
Derren I think you are brilliant and I am madly in love with your genuis. However, knowing that this is a ‘trick’ and will be revealed on friday I wanted to make my prediction that you used split screen cameras. The minor glitch you can actually pick up on if you look very closely is at 6:07 in the clip, where the ball on the far left appears to go from being flat and even in height compared to the rest, to slightly elevated. This is further proven when you walk behind the stand and the ball (which is now on the far right when you reveal the numbers) is indeed elevated and slightly popping up. The whole duration of the trick previous to 6:06 you can clearly tell all the balls are at equal heights. So obviously the change was made and the images were merged at this point. Luv u <3
Congratulation! Looking forward to Friday and the rest of the series, loved the look on your face when you turned the numbers round what a showman!
Ow …. it was on camera ….. I started wondering (questioning my own vision) … was it really not on camera or did I just not see it anymore … focussed .. and oh well … I woke up a little too late .. way too late at the job .. so I was on watching it .. but erm … in my other slightly surreal but not really surreal self .. the one that is not in touch with the normal visual world all the time .. with a very diagnostic view on things .. not linking it yet to the visual world …
Oh well .. it would any how have been too easy .. I already said that … ehehehe …
Cool that it has been posted here by the way!
Hi Derren, Coops and co.
You might like to know that the lottery prediction scored a mention here in Oz! It was, unfortunately, on a very poor excuse for investigative journalism – a program called TodayTonight. They described Derren as a master mentalist who can “read minds… and talk to the dead” (that latter part of the description appearing over footage from the ‘cold reading’ segment in the USA, grrr). Anyway. They made their own guesses about how the prediction was done, calling on the head of the Australian Society of Magicians to offer his thoughts. Which is kinda like asking Rolf Harris to examine the minutiae of the Sistine Chapel ceiling…
Basically it’s a crap show that doesn’t do much research but it let us see DB on our television screens, albeit briefly!
Congrats, all!
All credit to Derren for a fabulous piece of theatre. It has certainly caused quite a stir. I have no idea how it was done.
Mind you, straight after the event they showed an old programme where a randomly chosen woman from the audience was invited to think of a country and choose a shape, then come on to the stage to open an envelope which apparently contained the correct “prediction” that she would choose “Africa” (even though it isn’t a country!) and a triangle.
This is equally amazing to me – but isn’t it basically the same revelation-after-the-fact trick? The lottery simply added a dramatic context because of the live-TV and huge amount of money involved.
Mmmm… Can’t say I am very impressed. Don’t believe that numbers where there before the balls went out on tv. I think it’s a dirty camera trick. If Derren could show… I don’t know, the sum of all numbers before the lottery results, for example he could print the sum on the t-shirt and point to it after. But he didn’t do anything like that. So I think that the secret of prediction is that it is not a prediction. And I can’t believe this is that simple — such stuff is not for Derren
Ha, I also followed the numbers from the wacky Danish guy, as published in part on this blog, and in full (with the provision that 2 of the 7 numbers are purposely incorrect) in the comments section of the Daily Mail article about this Event. Earned my a tenner from the 3 lines I did.
I also noticed that Derren was telling the truth when he said he didn’t buy a ticket, as it’s a rollover!!!
Very entertaining piece of television… but I don’t want it to be camera trickery… is Augmented Reality that good yet? I liked the shaky camera work… I guess I’ll just have to wait until Friday like everyone else!
Hm, my former post is not there .. so now post of Nopke makes no sense … and there were such nice words in it (serious .. ehehehe … I’ve been saved .. .. ehehehe ..)
The being out of the air of the site .. was before your post was visual to us by the way .. when I was there the post from Phyllis, Coops and Abeo was not visible yet!
Absolutely amazing. Words cant explain!
Well done sir!
Check the leftmost ball at 6:06 – it rises showing the point at which the split screen effect is removed (the balls are being placed manually as they are drawn and a static image is displayed until this point.
Expected more than a cheap camera trick, will reserve judgement until Friday’s show however.
Extra note:
Of course he won’t give the right explanation of how he did it. He will give an explanation that sounds plausible, but it’s something you can never do yourself. Of course, otherwise everybody would win He does this very often in his shows, gives a explanation that sounds right, but he’ll never give the whole explanation, only for 80% or so… He’ll set you on the wrong path. He already did this in one of his two performances in Londen. I’m not sure which one it was again. I believe it’s about those newspapers.
But it will make a huge hit again, because so many people think he will tell the truth It’s good business!
I think I may have got it……. wouldn’t like to spoil it though. Although I am probably wrong, have to wait till Friday and see.
Well done Derren, I knew you’d do it! Can’t wait for tomorrow night’s show now to see how it’s done. You sure had the whole nation on the edge of their seats – fantastic ten minutes of television! xxx
I was completely on edge throughout!! Keep trying to figure it out, with not much luck, there were two camaras there, we only saw the event through one?? I don’t know, I’ll just have to wait till tommorrow like everyone else
Well done Derren!!! it was never a question of if but how. My brain aches from the many discussions of laws of probability so cant wait for friday. Keep up the excellent work, you truly are one of the only people in the world that can stun me into complete silence : p
Nice steampunk laser device in the background there.
Knew you could do it – cannot wait for Friday’s show!
Keywords to achieve this lottery prediction effect: Sportvision’s “1st and 10 Line” virtual technology.
Done via the TV control room in real-time, the numbers are virtually placed on the balls.
Derren! You were AMAZING…. lots of ‘oh it was just a split screen’ comments around the place from ignorant people… No doubt you put a lot more hard work into it than that. I can’t wait til Friday to see exactly how you did it. Show all those unintelligent people what it’s like to have a BRAIN and use it to its limits!
Love you, Derren xxx
I’m absolutely unimpressed by this because you show your numbers after the lottery and not before. That’s lame and an old trick. It’s very easy to use simple or more advanced tricks / technology to manipulate your numbers afterwards. But I’m looking forward for you explanation on friday.
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This was truly genius. I was amazed, (particularly when the first and unfortunately only one of my numbers came up), dumbfounded and gobsmacked. Well done Derren!! x
You broke your Blog.
And Twitter (on which by the way, you were 2 of the 10 trending topics in the WORLD).
But seriously, congratulations!
I don’t think we doubted you for a second.
I just wish it was Friday now though…
WELL DONE LOVELY! I simply cannot congratulate you enough… by the way: offer still stands!
Great job Derren, can’t wait to see how you did it. I’m guessing you’re celebrating tonight after a year of hard work to build up to this so be sure to have a good one.
That was one of the most nerve racking things I’ve ever seen! My heart was in my mouth, which is good because it stopped the sick coming out…
Congratulations Derren!
Fantastic. No idea how you did that, can’t wait for tomorrows show.
On the plus side I ran 5 lines of numbers last night… One line was from one of the “predictions” from the comments on this site or another site (can’t remember now) and I won £10.
I’m a bit disappointed that the balls were shown after the draw but I guess it was the only way to do it.
Knew he’d do it
Hi all.
I’m a bit of a lurker in Derrens blog, but just so you know, Derren has made the main stream news here in Australia. This could mean world domination for Derren!
Check out
that was absolutely brilliant last night…i’ve written a massive comment on ‘the events’ website trying to work out a way that you might have done it other than travelling through time or just making us think there was something written on the balls
i see ‘the events’ website has been changed and is all up to date with video interviews and the such…you are still going to be using this blog though right?
Msg from Abeo – Yep the blog isn’t going anywhere, we are just trying to optimize it at the moment to be able to deal with the crazy amount of traffic we have had over the last couple of days, Over 6 millions hits in 9 days isn’t something we are use to!
Congratulations! One of the greatest and ‘biggest’ pieces of magical entertainment ever and it’s not even over yet. Can’t wait for Friday’s ‘explanation’
Well done Derren! that was fabulous! succeeded in baffling me once again! as you always do! your amazing can’t wait to see how you did this on Friday
P.s – can’t wait to see you live on the Cruise ship in a couple of weeks!
Well done Derren! Truly brilliant- you did something no one else has ever been able to do before. Or else they would have done it. Roll on Friday now. Thanks for great entertainment (though I wish you’d told me the numbers!).
All the best
Well, that rates about a 9.9 on my holy-crap-o-meter.
Congratulations Derren (and team) – I hope you’re all horribly hungover today! That was possibly the best 10 minutes of telly that has been broadcast in years! Superbly executed, and genuinely baffling – I love taking tricks apart (semi-magical background), but I barely have a theory at the moment, and have watched the clip a dozen times!!
Looking forward to seeing the feed from the other cameraman!!
I’m so glad I didn’t buy a ticket with the numbers 6, 10, 25, 32 and 47!
I see the mad Dane got one right though
Phillis, Abeo, Coops,
You’re all so wonderfully awesome! Thanks for putting up the lottery for us non-UK residents. I know I sincerely appreciate it!
Me and my boyfriend were on the edge of our seat the whole way through, so nervous for you but you amazed us!
We bought a ticket for the first time in support, I tried to use a scientific approach but picking the balls that come out the most – but when i got to the shop i forgot what they were! But I still got 2 numbers and was only 1 number away on 2 others, so close!
OF course you did it
You clever b*stard.
Friday will be genius!
I was screaming at the tele
Genius piece of television. Genius.
that must have been one hell of a “piss-up afterparty”!!! hope u wore ur party dress philis…. congrats to all again… and sorry we broke ur blog…
Well, I can pull my head out of my neck now and relax a bit. Phew! Don’t think you need to worry about the career now! I trust you all had a large drink afterwards. And I hope you have changed your pants – I don’t suppose they were in a good way last night.
Big congrats, that was a grat peice of telly and had me on the edge of my seat,
Totally worth the wait (and the blog breakdown!!)
Yay! The blogs back on……
Congratuwelldone Derren… absolutely fabulous, of course we didn’t doubt you for a second (well maybe we did).
Can’t wait for tomorrows show to find out all the work that has gone into this in the last year.
Good move tickets being on sale today (but come on what about the other venues?).
Once again, well done, you was always my number 1, but after last night, you’ll be everyones number 1.
Smug. Smug. Brilliantly smug. I’m saving up my pocket money to buy a Lotto ticket once I’ve watched The Events on Friday, and then I’m going to hack my beard down to a more Derren-styled goattee and ponder about my next step in world domination.
Aww … Brown … don’t look that truely enlightened!!!! You’re bad …. You trick me into feeling like I need to believe you that you pulled this of in reality … that there is no trick …(that’s how you pose … that’s how I respond to your .. erm .. you probably .
Now then .. I think … we did not see the thing with your prediction on camera did we, when they drew the numbers … it’s probably not this, that’s probably too easy .. but that was my first thought … after having come clean with my slightly enligtened me when it turned out to be, ofcourse, as I figured, no doubt in me, correctly predicted (yes, I am a turn off for those working in/with something that truely does involve a risk .. I’m sorry if that has been the case, don’t know the facts, so being impressed is not on
· The Jackpot – 6 Numbers (Typical prize: £2 million)
6 numbers are drawn at random from the set of integers between 1 and 49, which means there are 49!/(6!*(49-6)!) combinations of numbers (the draw order doesn’t matter). The means that the jackpot chance is 1 in 13,983,816 or approximately 1 in 14 million.
· 5 Numbers + Bonus Number (Typical prize: £100,000)
You are still matching 6 numbers from the 1 to 49 set as above, but you can now do it in 6 different ways (by dropping each of the main numbers in turn), therefore the chance is 1 in 13,983,816/6, which works out as 1 in 2,330,636.
· 5 Numbers (Typical prize: £1,500)
This is 42 times more likely than getting 5 numbers + the bonus number because, after the first six balls are drawn, there are 43 balls left and you can match 42 of these 43 balls without matching the bonus number. Therefore the chance is 1 in 2,330,636/42, which evaluates to 1 in 55,491.33333.
Let’s assume that Derren Brown records a minute of footage (even though it is actually 43/44 seconds)
Predicting 6 numbers:
13,983,816 minutes of recorded TV. 13,983,816/60/24/365 = 26.60543379 years.
Predicting 5 numbers:
55,491 minutes of recorded TV. 55,491/60/24/365 = 0.105576484 years
0.105576484*52 (approx weeks in a year) = 5.489977169 weeks of solid recording/total recording over the year.
It just so happens that one of the recordings that he made with 5 of the 6 numbers from last night also contained the 6th number – something he could not guarantee but must have been quite happy about, especially as it throws you from the fact that he is only predicting 5 therefore making the maths seems impossible. It is something like 2.5hrs of filming a day for a year. Time consuming but well worth it.
On the above link you can watch the show. At 5.14 the video changes from a live feed to a pre-recorded 44 seconds of footage. The switch is extremely well practiced and shows the level of detail that has gone into the pre-recorded footage and indeed the live show.
This is just theory and no doubt he will prove me wrong on Friday.
If we work
If we work that it is 44 seconds. 55,491*(44/60) = 40,693.4
40,693.4/60/24/365 = 0.0774227549 years + 52 = 4.025983257 weeks or approximately 1.858 hours of recording a day over the course of a year.
You’re so selfish Derren. Why didn’t you stop the 9.11 attacks?
I have an idea of how it is done. I even think that it _is_ the way how it is done. I’m not going to reveal it, because i don’t think Derren would be happy with that. I only give one thing away: it’s done with trickery by technology. If you go watch the “Evening of Wonders” with the guy and the 10 pound banknote and check the written banknote closely, you’ll know how that is done
For the banknote, i know i’m 100% correct. I even found others that found out that trick.
If Derren allows me to put my thought here, i’ll do it.
The remark “I’m always honest about my dishonesty” and some other important parts of his show made me thinking across a certain border. Behind the scenes, the world is a lot different than people think. Congrats Derren 
I admire Derren how he made his career
Derren I think you are brilliant and I am madly in love with your genuis. However, knowing that this is a ‘trick’ and will be revealed on friday I wanted to make my prediction that you used split screen cameras. The minor glitch you can actually pick up on if you look very closely is at 6:07 in the clip, where the ball on the far left appears to go from being flat and even in height compared to the rest, to slightly elevated. This is further proven when you walk behind the stand and the ball (which is now on the far right when you reveal the numbers) is indeed elevated and slightly popping up. The whole duration of the trick previous to 6:06 you can clearly tell all the balls are at equal heights. So obviously the change was made and the images were merged at this point. Luv u <3
Congratulation! Looking forward to Friday and the rest of the series, loved the look on your face when you turned the numbers round what a showman!
Ow …. it was on camera ….. I started wondering (questioning my own vision) … was it really not on camera or did I just not see it anymore … focussed .. and oh well … I woke up a little too late .. way too late at the job .. so I was on watching it .. but erm … in my other slightly surreal but not really surreal self .. the one that is not in touch with the normal visual world all the time .. with a very diagnostic view on things .. not linking it yet to the visual world …
Oh well .. it would any how have been too easy .. I already said that … ehehehe …
Cool that it has been posted here by the way!
Hi Derren, Coops and co.
You might like to know that the lottery prediction scored a mention here in Oz! It was, unfortunately, on a very poor excuse for investigative journalism – a program called TodayTonight. They described Derren as a master mentalist who can “read minds… and talk to the dead” (that latter part of the description appearing over footage from the ‘cold reading’ segment in the USA, grrr). Anyway. They made their own guesses about how the prediction was done, calling on the head of the Australian Society of Magicians to offer his thoughts. Which is kinda like asking Rolf Harris to examine the minutiae of the Sistine Chapel ceiling…
Basically it’s a crap show that doesn’t do much research but it let us see DB on our television screens, albeit briefly!
Congrats, all!
All credit to Derren for a fabulous piece of theatre. It has certainly caused quite a stir. I have no idea how it was done.
Mind you, straight after the event they showed an old programme where a randomly chosen woman from the audience was invited to think of a country and choose a shape, then come on to the stage to open an envelope which apparently contained the correct “prediction” that she would choose “Africa” (even though it isn’t a country!) and a triangle.
This is equally amazing to me – but isn’t it basically the same revelation-after-the-fact trick? The lottery simply added a dramatic context because of the live-TV and huge amount of money involved.
Mmmm… Can’t say I am very impressed. Don’t believe that numbers where there before the balls went out on tv. I think it’s a dirty camera trick. If Derren could show… I don’t know, the sum of all numbers before the lottery results, for example he could print the sum on the t-shirt and point to it after. But he didn’t do anything like that. So I think that the secret of prediction is that it is not a prediction. And I can’t believe this is that simple — such stuff is not for Derren
Ha, I also followed the numbers from the wacky Danish guy, as published in part on this blog, and in full (with the provision that 2 of the 7 numbers are purposely incorrect) in the comments section of the Daily Mail article about this Event. Earned my a tenner from the 3 lines I did.
I also noticed that Derren was telling the truth when he said he didn’t buy a ticket, as it’s a rollover!!!
Very entertaining piece of television… but I don’t want it to be camera trickery… is Augmented Reality that good yet? I liked the shaky camera work… I guess I’ll just have to wait until Friday like everyone else!
Hm, my former post is not there .. so now post of Nopke makes no sense … and there were such nice words in it (serious .. ehehehe … I’ve been saved .. .. ehehehe ..)
The being out of the air of the site .. was before your post was visual to us by the way .. when I was there the post from Phyllis, Coops and Abeo was not visible yet!
Absolutely amazing. Words cant explain!
Well done sir!
Check the leftmost ball at 6:06 – it rises showing the point at which the split screen effect is removed (the balls are being placed manually as they are drawn and a static image is displayed until this point.
Expected more than a cheap camera trick, will reserve judgement until Friday’s show however.
Extra note:
He does this very often in his shows, gives a explanation that sounds right, but he’ll never give the whole explanation, only for 80% or so… He’ll set you on the wrong path. He already did this in one of his two performances in Londen. I’m not sure which one it was again. I believe it’s about those newspapers.
It’s good business!
Of course he won’t give the right explanation of how he did it. He will give an explanation that sounds plausible, but it’s something you can never do yourself. Of course, otherwise everybody would win
But it will make a huge hit again, because so many people think he will tell the truth
I think I may have got it……. wouldn’t like to spoil it though. Although I am probably wrong, have to wait till Friday and see.
Well done Derren, I knew you’d do it!
Can’t wait for tomorrow night’s show now to see how it’s done. You sure had the whole nation on the edge of their seats – fantastic ten minutes of television! xxx
I was completely on edge throughout!! Keep trying to figure it out, with not much luck, there were two camaras there, we only saw the event through one?? I don’t know, I’ll just have to wait till tommorrow like everyone else
Well done Derren!!! it was never a question of if but how. My brain aches from the many discussions of laws of probability so cant wait for friday. Keep up the excellent work, you truly are one of the only people in the world that can stun me into complete silence : p
Nice steampunk laser device in the background there.
Knew you could do it – cannot wait for Friday’s show!
Keywords to achieve this lottery prediction effect: Sportvision’s “1st and 10 Line” virtual technology.
Done via the TV control room in real-time, the numbers are virtually placed on the balls.
Derren! You were AMAZING…. lots of ‘oh it was just a split screen’ comments around the place from ignorant people… No doubt you put a lot more hard work into it than that. I can’t wait til Friday to see exactly how you did it. Show all those unintelligent people what it’s like to have a BRAIN and use it to its limits!
Love you, Derren xxx
I’m absolutely unimpressed by this because you show your numbers after the lottery and not before. That’s lame and an old trick. It’s very easy to use simple or more advanced tricks / technology to manipulate your numbers afterwards. But I’m looking forward for you explanation on friday.