Stoke-On-Trent and into Glasgow
A move this year from the Victoria Halls to the Kings Theatre, and it has to be said that the latter is a more suitable theatrical venue for the show. The Regent – an odd, huge, plain, orange cube in the middle of an unhappy part of town – is glorious inside, and boasts a delightful in-house crew (many of whom we knew from the Victoria Halls). The shows were good fun, Tuesday’s being probably the best; audiences were lively and delightful. Repeated disruption on one night from some strange and intoxicated character in the stalls, but he eventually stopped after a telling-off. Wednesday brought a wonderful respite: I spent the day sat in the lovely grounds of our hotel, reading and relaxing. Bliss.
Thursday morning was an early start to Glasgow. Somehow that early start, the drive, Glasgow’s beautiful but sweltering Kings Theatre, last night’s show and concomitant late night have left me with a bad throat this morning. This is always a worry: I have taken the appropriate medication but will have to bow out of signings again until it gets better. I hope any of you coming will understand. Luckily, I have a little sunny break coming up which will, I hope, sort me out.
For any of you wondering, the final DB Investigates doc does not indeed air not this Monday as you might have had every reason to expect, but in fact the following Monday, due, I understand, to a clash with the football on the other side and a live Davina extravaganza being aired on 4. This is not a bad thing: it extends an otherwise very short series, and might fool you into thinking that there were more than three episodes. (The docs have been made in my ‘spare’ time over the last eighteen months, hence there only being three. Hopefully, I will do more, and we’ll schedule time for a full series of six. Or ‘a thousand’ has a nice ring to it).
Ah, Jeff Buckley’s recording of Allelujah has just started playing in this bar. A great version. As is Rufus Wainwright’s, sadly only available on the Shrek album, but whaddyagonnado.
Last night here was a terrific Glasgow crowd, always a huge treat. It’s VERY hot in there. Hotter than the sweat-box in the Pasedena County Women’s Prison. Backstage too: my dressing room is as roasting and airless as the auditorium. Of course, it’s twice as hot on stage under the lights, though I don’t get a chance to notice it. But be warned: dress skimpily.
Ha ha. I love the fact that you refer to the most ‘upmarket’ part of Stoke-on-Trent’s city centre as ‘an unhappy part of town’.
I’d love to hear your descriptions of the rest of the city.
Hi derren, loved show last night!!! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for coming to the stage door afterwards and for signing our things.
Diane xxx
Really enjoyed the Investigates series- esp. the Joe Power one, what a self important tosser he was! I really admire you for the amount of patience you had with him, well done Derren!
Hope the rest of the shows go well
I had an AMAZING night last night !! How is it even possible for something to be even better the second time around??? Probably had something to do with being on the second row and being so close to mr b that I was able to see the sweat on his head was bloody roasting!!
I was still amazed by the show even though I knew what was going to happen…. My jaw was still on the floor !!! And to top it all off a wee hug an picture… Just fantastic!!
Love u lots Mr B xx
I was at Stoke and really enjoyed it, it was a very entertaining night :). I brought a friend with me who hasn’t seen a single live show or telly box thingy you’ve ever done (I know! But apparently such people *do* exist). She left the theatre amazed, dumbfounded and also half in love with you. (Another perimenopausal woman to moon over you. Just what you were short of. No, don’t thank me.)
Hope you have a lovely break next week, you & the crew deserve it after working so hard and for so long on Enigma. And really look forward to seeing what you do next.
I was in on the Tuesday
The theatre staff are just lovely there, especially since one of them is our friend and provided us with free tickets
Loved the show, loved when you stood up to the loopy woman who kept shouting out – you get them in stoke :|.
Hope you visit again sooooon xx
hey, the Pasedena County Women’s Prison was always my favorite spa! and one can dress as skimpily as one likes there!
Hope you feel better soon.
Re “Stewie Investigates”, sorry, “DVB Investigates” (very funny tweet i thought)…
the program ‘Mind, Body and Kick Ass Moves’ met a lot of interesting individuals who made a lot of interesting claims. i would love to see a thorough investigation of the biomechanics behind martial arts and Chi, particularly the death touch and the one-inch punch. I have no doubt that some very curious things happen if you combine psychology, showmanship and a wickedly toned physique. How much extra force can you create through proper technique and focused concentration?
Just a thought.
I think the weather in Glasgow generally is horribly stuffy right now. Need a massive thunderstorm to clear the air I think
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night. Sorry to hear about your throat. Get well soon! x
Aww sorry to hear about your throat troubles again, Derren. I hope it clears up real soon for you and doesn’t spoil your holiday at least.
That’s fantastic news that there may be more ‘Investigates’ programmes in the future! I think they make for wonderful, discussional TV. Brilliant stuff!
Take care, look after that voice, enjoy your break and hope the remainder of the tour goes without hitch.
LC x
This is my 6th times to the Enigma show,but it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen
every second of Derren’s show I’ve enjoyed very much, his passion, enthusiasm which
managed to be royally entertaining and genuinely enlightening.
His crews are brilliant to keeping the show running smoothly. Than you to all for giving
me another wonderful night to remember.
Look forward to seeing you again soon.
All the best and take care of yourself Derren.
With lots of love xxx
You need to walk around Glasgow Green at sometime when you’re up here. Especially in this weather.
Just wait until it’s quiet if you don’t want fans to bother you and you’ll enjoy 
Hope you feel better soon Derren. I have been carting around something for your throat for the last four shows but have still yet to see you to give it to you. Maybe next time.
I think one million is a nice round number
Hi Derren it was fantastic to mmet you on Monday night (post show at the Regent in Stoke) fantastic guy AMAZING SHOW! however I wasn’t gonna fall for that one where you tried to make me fall in love with you NICE TRY!!! it was bewildering to me though how you remembered my name 30 min after meeting & greeting maybe 100+ more fans and asking their names too.Will deffo come and see you again sometime if you promise not to try & make me fall in love with you again (lol) regards love Steve ( how the Fu** did u rememba my name) xx
I think that it is a great thing that you were able to use your spare time in such an engaging, interesting and thoughtful manner. Six new episodes would be extremely interesting to watch! Would you allow subject suggestions to be given through a blog comments section?
I trust that your throat will recover quickly and that the tour will sail to its conclusion effortlessly. Enjoy your time off while you can!
I was in the audience on Wednesday night in Stoke (even though we actually live in Birmingham). The show was fantastic and i got very giddy at the end! Thanks for signing my programme!
And, trust me, ther rest of Stoke is probably worse! xx
4th time now I’ve seen you live.
thanks for a good night – we came on the tuesday.
the drunken one who attempted to heckle was suitably told off by not just yourself but by about 20 others around him/her – my favourite one was “what a knobhead”
Was in the audience on Tuesday in stoke and must say really enjoyed it ! My first time at one of your shows and won’t be my last . Just a shame I was sat behind the loud mouthed idiot who kept shouting out … Needless to say I had a word ! Was brill meeting you after the show even tho you was in a rush ! All the best ! Keep up the good work !
You need to pick up smoking .. I never have a problem with my throat .. no matter how hard and long I shout and/or sing. Or have someone subtitle you during the show .. that saves your throat a little bit as well I guess.
We dont want to learn sign language .. so throat of Derren ..
But keep in mind .. as long as the veins in your eyes dont break without reason .. (happened to me, woke up … and discovered a not so normal eye .. it looked as if some aliens had performed nightly surgical procedures again .. (camera is probably re-installed again now I guess .)
Take care, put some icecubes in there,
Hi Derren,
Saw the show at the Kings last night, absolutley brilliant. It was hot, so hot infact I lost almost a stone, 13 pounds between the bar and the ice cream lady.
Thanks for a superb show, hope the throat gets better soon and please enjoy this glorious Glasgow weather, we imported it just for you.
Cherrio the now.
Derren thanks for a great show on Thursday in Glasgow. I have been a long time fan and this is the first time I have been to a live show and it absolutely blew my mind.
It was a wondrous experience that will live with me for a long time
Again thanks
We were at the Wimbledon show last Saturday and had the most amazing evening. We were a party of 6 and ***SPOILER REMOVED***
Thank you for a brilliant evening, we will definitely be back for the next tour.
Hi Derren
Sorry to hear your throat is sore – don’t try so hard, we hear you brilliantly!!!!
Drinking lots of, (not cold or hot), water helps, it keeps the old vocal chords nicely hydrated.
I love K.D. Lang’s version of Hallelujah too – what a tone she has to her voice, magical! Only heard Rufus Wainwright perform it live on telly once a while ago and ’twas astounding from all I can remember.
I am absolutely amazed at last night’s show in Glasgow. Derren is brilliant, so amazingly entertaining.
Hello There Derren,
Travelled to Regent Theatre Stoke to see your Enigma Show!!
Was amazing, your truly at the very peak of your field/industry and a true first class entertainer!
I feel in some respects, to know you on a personal level, would be mixed blessings. . . . . . . . . For there would be absolutely “nothing” that you would’nt be able to read of a person, would be as though they were almost transparent, Oooooh shivers!!! Lol lol! On the flip side of that, you would be a perfect person to know, as you would be able to set aside all those who are frauds just by looking at body languate, gestures etc etc, wow!! Would you like to one day have a “Paranormal” experience, as your fascination with this runs quite deep. There are genuine people in this universe, that have a gift.
. . . . . . There are genuine people in this universe that have a gift. . . . . . . , but unfortunately there are more frauds than genuine, so it is harder to sort the wheat from the chaff. But Derren, I have met both genuine, and fraud alike, I have also been very privileged to have witnessed some events that just cannot be explained by science, and I have had other people be witness to the same events at the same time, all of which sound far fetched perhaps, yet they were all genuine events, involving genuine people, at random times . . . . . . . . . I would love your explanation of this, what you would have concluded of those events had you been there to see for yourself, indeed, I invite any comments you may have on this subject, as I do not have “All” the answers, only my own. XxX
I really hate it when good shows get cancelled for sport! RRRRRR! I was sooooo looking forward to that. Damn, I’ll have to ring my best friend and tell her….. actually its next week now…. after I told her to catch it on Monday. >:[ Hope you feel better soon xxx
I was at the King’s theatre tonight, and I have to say…the show was absolutely fantastic! Irregardless of how you do it Derren, you never cease to amaze and are an absolute genius at what you do. What a legend! Cheers for a great night!
Thanks for introducing me to Rufus Wainwright, I love him now…
Take care, feel better soon and have a good rest on your holiday when it comes…
I had such a brilliant time at the show on Thursday. I am so glad I came to see it!
Thank you Derren. Friday night show in Glasgow, wow! Brilliant ; )
Hey there Derren,
I finally got to see your show in Glasgow tonight and ohhhhh man, what a night!!! I left the theatre absolutely amazed and stunned (and yes, very sweaty too, someone should really talk to the King`s staff about that air con
) Will definitely be back to see your show again.
It was great to see you in Glasgow again. Hope you enjoyed it once again and did not cause any more unexpected moments with your lovely but massive green lizard `pet`. It was nearly a year ago but that thing gave me the fright of my life lol
Take care and well done again.
Mirka xx
P.s. say hello to coops and jenny
saw the show on thursday night at the kings. is an absolute genius and the way he performed throughout the full show was outstanding Derren, he has definitely put alot of hard work and time into this show as the ending was just something else
A must see if you haven’t already been to see him
I will be at your show tonight cant wait, 3rd time seeing you. Hope your throat is a bit better nothing worse when it happens.
Today is another scorcher here in Glasgow perhaps you should take in a wee visit to loch lomond plenty of nice wee bits that are quiet that you can chill out and read. Only 20 mins from the big smoke, if your really brave the train station is just along from the kings lol
Row B for me tonight best seats ive ever had so far – if you mention loch lomond all give ya a cheer dude
Think Id better were some shorts tonight if its stuffy and warm in the kings, havent been there since i was like 10
Hi Derren
Seen Enigma at the Kings on Thursday, was a fantastic show, first time seeing you live but big fan of your shows on channel 4. I can’t imagine the work you must put into each event.
Place was melting as you said and of course I had to bring my heavy leather jacket :s I’ll know better for next time.
Take care and hope the throat feels better soon
Saw the show on Tuesday at the Stoke Regent. The show was as great as I expected, and then some. It was a shame that one audience member felt the need to try to ruin the experience for everyone else. Fortunately he failed in this regard, as the quality of the show and derren’s composure in the face of such interruptions were too good to be affected by one pillock. I just hope that derren realised that this twerp isn’t representative of the rest of us.
Hi Derren, I was at the show in glasgw last night, friday, and I was on stage with my girlfriend. We are still trying t work out how ***SPOILER REMOVED***. Truly mind-blowing show and I could not believe it was 3 hours long. The lotto numbers on tv was amazing and frustrating but the live show beats even that. Well done one being a true enigma and a fantastic showman.
Hi derren
Saw your show last night in Glasgow………WOW………what an amazing experience!!!!!!! well worth the year’s wait to see you! hope your throat is better soon.
Still think we missed ***spoiler removed*** DVD purchase, huge coffee and no doubt a single tear due. Can’t wait for Derren’s next theatre performance.
what a fantastic Glasgow show Derren…you certainly got me hooked.
i had the pleasure of ***SPOILER REMOVED***
thanks for a great evening of entertainment….although my other half has now put a band on me watching you on tv as i seem to respond to your voice and words with ease LOL
thanks for looking after me
Hi Derren
Fantastic show, truly jaw-droppongly entertaining, and great to meet you, Jenny and the crew. We’d welcome you back anytime to the King’s/Theatre Royal as you’re a delight to work with. And the show’s bloody amazing! Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Shame about the last documentary Derren and the webchat would have been wonderful but I will look forward to 31st nevertheless. Enigma has been a tremendous success and you deserve a break so I hope your have a lovely restful holiday xx
Hi Derren,
I was at your show last night ***SPOILER REMOVED*** It was spooky because I only booked the tickets last minute as I had seen a picture of you outside the Kings Theatre the evening before and couldn’t believe I was able to obtain good seats. The show has been consuming my thoughts all day, not sure why but feel I owe you an apology and I had an urge to e-mail this to you. I hope you feel better soon. Lori x
Was in Glasgow last night – it was absolutely brilliant. We were completely mesmerised. Fabulous fabulous show. Thank you.
“A move this year from the Victoria Halls to the Kings Theatre”…. *cough* Regent Theatre! (sorry had to do it)
but yeh i love your lil description of the best part of stoke as an ‘unhappy part of town’. would love to hear what you have to say about the rest of the town. only 5 weeks till i get to finally come and see this show that everyone has been talking about. see you in nottingham =) xx
“the final DB Investigates doc does not indeed air not this Monday as you might have had every reason to expect, but in fact the following Monday.â€
Spooky Derren. Any chance you could get a group of these TV programme planners to form a circle in a darkened room? Then all join hands, and try to make contact with the living?
So we at least get some notion of what might be occurring on the other side(of the screen).
Hello Mr Brown
I would like to thank you for a very entertaining night out at Glasgow’s, Kings Theatre. It was my first viewing, and with that I hope to catch you again next year. I am very pleased that you chose to come to Scotland, Aberdeen and Inverness have good play houses too??. It took me till + 2am to travel north back home after the show lol. I would have liked the opportunity to have asked some questions that may interest you but I have been raised in a way to know better not to disturb you lol
Thank you again and I hope one day you will be able to see Scotland more!
Yes I know I’m horribly late…oh well…
Not only did I love the show (what can I say that others haven’t?!), I also want to send out some respect to whoever designed/built your stage set. Damn i wanted those curtains for my room!
It wouldn’t be the same without that dazzling, vintage style stage. Gorgeous. It just adds more atmosphere and really finished off the whole theater experience
So thanks to Derren AND your highly talented crew.
Enigma is the single greatest thing I’ve ever seen in the theater. (well, maybe that and Button moon…