Did you get stuck to your chair?
Derren Brown: The Events ‘How to Control the Nation’
Post a comment below and let us know if you got stuck to your chair, how long you were stuck for, or if you found it harder than usual to stand up, or if it didn’t work at all and you think it was all a load of rubbish.
No didn’t work on me but I did enjoy the programme.
My hands were stuck to my knees! And my feet felt like they were fused to the floor. I was in hysterics all the way through the spinning lines for some reason and now my limbs feel sort of shakey and light. Totally weird! I really enjoyed that. Haha. Thinking about it’s still making me giggle :s
Didn’t work on me… I didn’t stand up from the moment the programme started, i tried to make myself as susceptible as possible, noticed flashes throughout the programme, couldn’t make out anything, going to give it another go in half an hour on C4+
Didn’t work for me 🙁 shame. I was looking forward to losing partial control of my body.
My brother called us to say he was stuck to his chair…thought he had gone mad until we realised what he had done! It was quite hilarious!
Half worked on me. Felt very very heavy and tingly especially in my legs. Weird experience, but i was able to stand up when i tried without any problem at all.
The film made me laugh so hard i cried!!!
That was brilliant. Both my wife and I were fixed to the settee. My wife actually pulled a stomach muscle trying to get up. We weren’t freaked, just found it really funny. Recorded it and gonna try again later and with more people. Derren is a genius!
Yes, I laughed uncontrollably then was stuck fast for about 2 minutes. As soon as you said lean forward I could move.
Wasn’t stuck to my chair, but as I shot up to standing in an act of defiance, I accidentally tripped and fell on the floor. Obviously, this is my punishment for doubting you.
i felt really shakey
It’s a negative from me and my housemate… can’t help but feel a bit disappointed. 🙁
Legs were heavy for a while – but think that was just me trying to convince myself. Chickened out of the live show version of this when people watched a film before walking up to the stage – so i’m just proud that I actually saw this one through to the end!
Did not work on me, I noticed the flickered pic before the film started, probably stupidly told someone across the room who hadn’t noticed it despite staring at the screen. I felt a slight pull in my thighs and lower back, but I felt relaxed. I got up slightly slower than normal, but it felt the same as if I stood up after a Yoga session. Didn’t work on my Mum either.
I have some friends in my mind who I think it would work on and some who I believe it wouldn’t, it would be interesting if I’m right.
I’m kind of relieved actually….
I could get up, but only really slowly, I felt incredibly heavy and dead. I really couldn’t be bothered to get up, my limbs felt dead, but I did. However, once I managed to get up – I fell over! For me, that means it worked. Well done Derren!
I felt really heavy through the film. I was able to get up but I found it really hard, it took a lot of energy and effort even when I’d sat down again and tried to get up for a second time. When he played the thing to release you it was suddenly easier to get up again! Weird!!!
I got stuck but only with the back of my thighs. I could lift my feet off the floor and lean forward. I even tried to push up using my arms. Very, very strange sensation.
Hey Derren, well done. You have gained back a fan. THIS was a lot better show. It did not work for me, but it did for my daughter. She could not get up. She looked a little panicked so I helped her up. Then she couldnt sit back down again lol. She said it was because her knees felt locked and stiff, if it is any any interest to you 🙂
It didnt work for me, but I now have a Jamaican accent… not really. But hey. It really was a world of difference from last week, and I enjoyed it immensely.
Thank you!
Worked on me for a minute or so. I’d always felt a bit smug about not being suggestible at all, so that really shot me up the arse!
I though it would scare me somehow as i’m only 16, but it was really quite fun! As the film started, I just began focusing on the tv, but then was going dizzy. I could see this fuzzy, faint shape that looked like the head of a person from the neck up. My mum and I both did it next to each other, but it didn’t effect her, but the top of my legs and my head felt really heavy. I tried getting up, got half way and I felt something heavy so I had to sit down again. I tried a few times but couldn’t for about 10 seconds!
Really great show!! I have to see this kind of thing live!! Wish I had Channel 4+1 so I could try it again.
Thanks Derren 🙂
nothing at all! i really wanted to get stuck as well!
didn’t work on me or my 10 year old brother.
wasn’t helped by him proclaiming halfway through the video that he needed to pee and hoped derren wouldn’t make him get stuck and pee on the sofa.
Was it the film that made me giggle or was it just me being daft??? twitter @nikkinoodle82
just read dippynikki’s comment i’ve a bit of a headache too
Wow Derren, amazing show..
Me and my Dad both watched it and i felt really giddy and kept laughing before you played the film and during. He got straight up. My fingers were attatched to my knees for about 2 minutes, but my legs were attatched to the seat until you played the blue screen when i felt really giddy again. Very odd!!
cant wait for next week!
it didnt work for me but my legs and arms felt really heavy. I found as the show went on i felt more and more tired like i had jet lag but now i feel fine! weird!
Not stuck at all 🙁 Really wanted it to work
I do feel a bit nauseous and dizzy but all of those swirly line/optical illusion type things have that effect on me so I’m not sure if that’s entirely relevant.
Derren, can you do a permanent aversion to high calorie foods for your next event please? Kthxbye.
oh my god Eddie, I felt the exact same thing:
“Didn’t work for me however i did notice a few things:
A flash of a subliminal image (not sure what it was but was mainly white)
Before the last break all of a sudden it seemed that Derren’s face was coming out of the screen and all my focus was on him, it felt really weird
Other than that i can stand and walk fine”
I got a little weirded by that, then the video made me very uneasy. After maybe about 15-20 seconds, I felt this really strange sensation, like pressure in my head which was really unnerving and I think I must’ve fought it from there because I didn’t get stuck.
I was stuck to the chair like jesus to the cross! It worked for me. Amazing! (or it might have been too much wine)
Unfortunately it didn’t work on me. I’m hoping by replaying it tomorrow from Sky+ and watching it again it’ll work when there’s fewer distractions. I really wanted it to work.
Haha it worked for me i would get half way and i couldnt move my legs to get up really wierd and a saw the flashin images of white of the guy sitting in the chair i feel abit dizzy now after watching it
i reckon it works , but it didn’t for me 🙁
Didn’t work. looks like it didn’t work on a lot of people tbh.
although the phone rang when the film was on, and obv couldn’t get up to switch it off, it was halfway across the room.
Omg I got stuck for about a Minuit and then when I could stand up my heart was racing so fast and my arms and legs were very shaky. I felt terrified! 10 mins later and my legs still feel shaky! DerreN brown is such a clever amazing guy!!!
I didn’t get stuck 🙁 , But my little brother did
I really wish I did thoughh D: My friends recorded it on her tv, would it work if we just watched it over and over again?
Derren Brown you are genius 😛 xx
no effect on me whatsoever. Maybe it was the whisky. I knew Derren shouldnt drink before he did it heeheh
didn’t work for me or my partner, althought I was disorientated and dizy. My brother says it made him feel hungry and unable to concentrate for a short while.
I was stuck before the adverts even came on, very strange, all suggestability but very well executed. Niiiiice Derren!
Yes! I was not stuck fast but was significantly heavy in lower body and felt slightly drunk. It just felt like far too much effort to get up. Weird!
Yes, i was stuck, and it was terrifying but amazing at the same time.I couldn’t stop laughing. I really wanted it to work so I really focused and let it wash over me and it worked! it was like someone was sitting on my legs, or there was a hell of a lot of blu tac on the sofa. then when i was ‘realised’ i felt like i was going to float up to the celing! tempted to watch again…
awesome show.
Didnt get stuck but trying again closer to tv on +1
Very clever though. Man tied to a chair flashing up, Derren nodding his head down while talking while saying “itl work on cool creative people”. Who doesn’t want to be cool!
I was excitedly surprised to find I felt really heavy, mainly in my thighs, stiff as if I’d done lots of exercise and it was hard to get up. felt pressed downwards, as if there was extra gravity! i forced myself to stand at one point but it felt wrong and wobbly so sat down again. strange how as soon as i saw the ‘clearing film’ I stood up, no stiffness, felt light. Wow, very clever, I’m glad something happened!
I was stuck for about 5 minutes, and it wasn’t very nice to be honest. It made my legs and lower back very heavy and almost numb, and once I was ‘released’ I still felt light headed. All in all, a very surreal experience, but I don’t expect people to believe me considering the amount of people that it didn’t work on.
i didn’t get stuck but i felt my legs going all weird when i was watching the clip still amazing though 🙂
Had an insanely limp leg afterwards but I shook it off before the tone. Defo’ rewatching on chnl 4+1:D
I wasn’t stuck to my couch, but it was harder than usual to get up, possibly due to distractions not giving my full focus to the TV but yeah.
Very Nicely done Derren 5/5
@JayZeach on Twitter
My sister got stuck to the sofa for awhile, she felt as if she was sinking into it. I felt different but not stuck. As i got up and walked to the computer to go on this blog i without realising typed ‘Doseley motor’s’ into google, i don’t remember typing it at all, until my friend pointed it out… freaky…
Yes! Got stuck for about a minute. My legs felt really heavy, like they were sunk into the sofa!
Damn, didn’t work. And I took it ever so seriously. I’m going to fetch some pritt stick and get this done properly.