Did you get stuck to your chair?
Derren Brown: The Events ‘How to Control the Nation’
Post a comment below and let us know if you got stuck to your chair, how long you were stuck for, or if you found it harder than usual to stand up, or if it didn’t work at all and you think it was all a load of rubbish.
My limbs felt very heavy during, but standing was no problem.
I got stuck! God, it was odd! I’ve never felt anything like that before. Thank you so much for that experience.
It didn’t work on meee or my sister! :[[[
Check your #Stucktomysofa on twitter.
It obviously didnt work for like 1 in 100
Nope! Sorry Derren! I noticed those diagrams of a body flashing up a few times though, does that affect it?
It didn’t work for me I’m afraid. I think that because I’ve read all Derren’s books (including Pure Effect and Absolute Magic) as well as Andy Nyman’s books, Luke Jermay’s books and a whole plethera of others I knew what I was looking for.
No!!! 46″ TV perfect position! Gutted!!!!!
No…..didn’t work, your audience didn’t look very surprised, their responses seemed very scripted!
Nope… I really did try but your hoo doo voodoo just doesn’t work on me. 🙂
Didn’t get stuck, but my head felt very heavy. Very well done, Derren Brown is a God! 🙂 xx
But where can I watch it? I´d like to give it a go!
Wow! It worked.. i was stuck to the chair it was so wierd. I burst out laughing as my hands were stuck to my legs too!
I was hypnotised when i gave up smoking about 7 years ago (still a non smoker) and its very similar to that.. i didnt think this would work but it did!
great show derren
Not a thing happened to me. V disappointed derren
It didn’t work on meee, or my sister. D: :[[[[
Didn’t work but my vodka will help me not be able to stand up
Didn’t quite stick but my whole body felt very heavy and it was difficult to get up.
I turned off all the lights so I could really get into it and I really really wanted it to work ………but NOTHING happened at all, So disappointed!
My legs were very heavy, but I was able to stand almost straight away. Also when the clearing tone was played my legs began to feel lighter.
remain calm and carry on. great show guys.
My legs felt really heavy could not get up for a while.
I felt heavier but not stuck to the seat, my legs feel heavy. Shame really I wish these sort of things worked on me better. Good program though, enjoyable as always.
Stopped watching cos scared of triggering migraine. Hubbie did it but felt nothing.
I am a little confused.
I think I might have been slightly distracted by Derren’s very red eyes, and the flashing pictures of people tied to chairs.
Didn’t work- but my head got really heavy watching the film!
Shame! Really wanted it to work!
I was stuck. Started feeling heavy before the film. After I thought I would be able to get up until I tried to. My feet wouldn’t move at all. I was stuck to the chair. I got up when the tone played.
Sorry. No, Hopef it would work for either me or my husband but didn’t.
Slightly disappointed, I wasn’t stuck…though my legs did feel a bit weird, but before the film, not after…hmmm…
My legs felt really heavy, but that was it..
But I was really self-conscious because my mum was there, so I think that kinda stopped m from relaxing..
I recorded it. I’ll see if it works twice 😀
Nice one, Derren!
Sort of, nearly, ish. Felt like the early stages of hypnotism – when a conscious bit of you thinks ‘yeah I could get up if I tried’ but you just cant….be….arsed….
I could stand up, but while the video was on my head was shaking and my stomach was making noises
didn’t get stuck, but flet totally calm/happy and was in a warm fuzzy place
Would u ;@
It was strange..my arms and legs started to feel heavy and I felt like I was sinking into the chair the move the movie played…but then it just went and the feeling went away. Really disappointed. Think it was the distractions in the house that didn’t help.
Did not stick. It is clear how this works. He was saying if you are ‘creative’ and ‘talented’ it will work on you…. people wanted to believe they were stuck to feel part of it.
Did feel strange compulsion to drink more wine though… oh well. I should give in to that I s’pose.
it wasnt sublimial it was derren suggestively telling you to stick and then the film was just to make you think that it was subliminali
Despite wanting it to, it didn’t work for me.
We know…well, you know better than the rest of us, the reasons behind what makes it work, but why does it not work on some?
No, I was all dissappointed, though I didn’t really think I would be I tried to just go along and accept it, but not even a little bit 🙁
Still enjoyed the show all the same!! 🙂
felt heavier than normal but could get up.
but im going to try it again on channel 4 +1 🙂
My heart raced, and my arms and legs went all tingly. It was a bit like having them fall asleep, or having a nicotine rush… but I didn’t get stuck. Still, enjoyable as always! Well Done!
I just sat there and laughed I felt so so giggly all of a sudden, I was able to stand though. :(!
wanted to play, but man was explaining how Paul Daniels did it better and stuck his feet under my nose. Good trick though, just a shame couldn’t join in.
No it didn’t, although my legs did feel slightly weaker and a little shaky, but I stood up easily enough.
I was stuck to my seat and i still cannot get up
however i am a quadriplegic
pls help derren
No…not at all. I did feel pretty chilled out though, but that’s it. Disappointing.
Alas no effect.
I wonder if there is less results from the techy people as most will probably be trying to work it out as its going along and as such miss out on the being relaxed and letting it hit subconscious.
Didn’t work
Watched with my dad neither of us stuck my dog wined a bit when the film was on might have just been the sound tho
Didn’t do anything to me but maybe I’m just not the suggestible type.
Nothing happened but I did move during the ad break.